February 2019


Welcome to our new website! The initial response has been great, and we receive daily inquiries from companies looking for private label manufacturing. Many of these are small start up brands looking to have a social impact. Other positive developments include:

- We have been accepted as members of the Fair Trade Federation (US and Canada) which opens up new wholesale opportunities for us

- Two women at the tailoring centre in Dharamshala have started on our training programs. Ranjina is learning to do embroidery and Lakshmi (who never had the opportunity to go to school) has been with us for one year as a hand-stitcher and has just begun training as a tailor.

- We have recruited a designer who will move to India at the end of April to produce a steady stream of new designs for our in-house brands. We anticipate this will help considerably as we aim to grow our in-house brands.

- We have made big steps to becoming a zero waste manufacturing facility and, amongst other things, now dispatch all orders in packaging we design and produce which is re-purposed as tote bags by our customers.

Thank you!

Visible Clothing
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