August 2019


Very excitingly we now have a second very large US retail chain in the pipeline. Last week, the first face to face meeting happened with their buyer and they are keen to take it to the next stage; we are currently working on sourcing fabric for their next round of samples.

Progress has also been made with a number of smaller companies. A couple of examples are an established childrenswear brand in the US who have just confirmed their small test order with us in anticipation of placing larger POs for their following seasons. We have been working on securing this for several months including extensive sampling and fabric sourcing. Additionally, after 9 months of searching for the best bag fabric for a social enterprise that supports children in care, we have had a big breakthrough and anticipate getting the first of many POs from them within a few weeks.

Both these examples are established businesses who are looking for a long term relationship with us as their supplier; clients who place regular orders are key for us as we provide long term employment for people in India who so need jobs.

Thank you for all your notes of support and the crucial role you are playing in creating dignified jobs in India,

Visible Clothing
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