February 2020


During the past 6 months we have been sampling for an NGO that requires 100,000-200,000 garments throughout 2020. We find out in the coming weeks if we have secured this huge order. 

We have launched our new website Zero Waste Clothing having been selected by a private school in LA to produce their school uniforms. This is in addition to the 79 smaller brands in our sales pipeline, however these smaller brands are somewhat unreliable as regular sources of revenue because most have untested business models.

The greatest opportunities are with clients such as the above two examples who are not in the clothing sector; they are not under as much pressure as fashion brands to cut costs.

Aside from our financial situation, staffing challenges as well as Indian bureaucracy and corruption are currently the greatest issues. We have also been hearing lots of evidence of these challenges from others including from a competitor/partner who last week told us the past 12 months have been the toughest in their 21 years of operating.

Our 2019 results were not strong enough however, the picture should look more positive by the end of Q2 especially if the NGO order proceeds. As well as having a positive impact on our revenues it would open up new markets and gives us credibility to secure other large POs.

Visible Clothing
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