Lockdown Update: 29th May


The past two months have been the most challenging we have experienced. 

The generous donations you gave have all been sent to our Indian staff and we hugely appreciate the patience shown by customers awaiting the arrival of orders during lockdown. 

As a fairtrade business we rely on this kind of partnership with you. Thank you.

Team news

Tragically the brother of our factory manager, Ganesh, was hit by a tractor whilst walking near his home, and is now in intensive care. He is in a different Indian state to our workshop and Ganesh was understandably keen to be with him at this time, although he was really concerned about leaving the team without a manager. We encouraged him to go and a couple of days ago he got permission from the government to travel between states. When Ganesh gets to his brother's town he is required to quarantine for two weeks, and with tight restrictions on crossing state borders it is not possible to predict the timeframe for his return. Our thoughts are very much with Ganesh's brother and young family at this time.

Return to work

Although Ganesh leaving poses huge challenges for the team, everyone is really pulling together. Our tailors are keen to get back to work and the authorities have granted them permission to return to the workshop as long as it is not more than 1/3rd of capacity. Over the past few days a handful of the tailors have been trialling different ways of operating and existing orders are now being stitched ready for dispatch. Our e-commerce stores are open for new orders: Eternal Creation / Visible / Zero Waste Clothing

Shipping orders

Courier services in India are severely affected by the lockdown. We will be working with a range of companies to deliver orders to ensure as little disruption as possible. We appreciate your patience as the situation evolves on an almost daily basis.

Tailors' salaries 

With capacity at just 33%, paying 100% of Indian salaries will continue to be a momentous challenge. 

We are grateful for ongoing donations, all of which goes to the tailors. The page for donations is here

Tailors' job security

As we all experience the challenges of this new COVID-19 season, social enterprises are getting hit hard. We are in discussions with three individuals/businesses who share our values and are interested in potential partnerships, mergers, or partial acquisitions. Our primary goal is securing the jobs of our Indian team as well as continuing to have a positive social impact in the wider fair-trade sector and we are exploring all avenues to achieve this. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you would like to be involved in these conversations.

Best wishes and good health to you all,

Andy & Andy

Visible Clothing
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