
October 2019


The team's focus is providing many more jobs for people living in poverty in India, whilst setting the highest sustainability standards. The day-to-day reality of tight cash flow and global uncertainties makes this a huge challenge and your support and backing is more important than ever.

August 2019


Very excitingly we now have a second very large US retail chain in the pipeline. Last week, the first face to face meeting happened with their buyer and they are keen to take it to the next stage; we are currently working on sourcing fabric for their next round of samples.

June 2019


Our goal continues to be providing many more jobs for people living in poverty in India, whilst setting the highest sustainability standards. To achieve this we need to sell more clothes.

May 2019


We strive for environmentally sustainable designs and production processes and our new designer is creating some fantastic new styles which our team of tailors is currently sampling. These designs will be sold to long term supporters and customers on www.eternalcreation.com, but will also be presented to large companies that are showing an interest...

March 2019


We are delighted to announce that our small team won a CO 2019 Leadership Award and were shortlisted for a CO10 award judged by the likes of Vogue, British Fashion Council, Farfetch, and Fashion Revolution! More information can be found here.

February 2019


Welcome to our new website! The initial response has been great, and we receive daily inquiries from companies looking for private label manufacturing. Many of these are small start up brands looking to have a social impact. Other positive developments include:

Visible Clothing
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