
We announced last week that our fair-trade, zero-waste workshop in Dharamsala, India, will be closing, along with our e-commerce store Eternal Creation. It was with an extremely heavy heart that this decision was made - please click here for more information. The Eternal Creation website will close on Sunday 5th July and our workshop will...

During the COVID journey, we have tried to be open and visible with you, our customers and supporters, about the struggles and challenges that we have been working through as a small business trying to maintain our fair-trade ethos.

The situation in India remains dire with unemployment rocketing to 23.5% so far as a result of COVID-19. As we've all experienced, its been a crazy few months that has had a massive impact on our lives as well as businesses worldwide.

Thank you for your ongoing support and playing an important role in changing the clothing sector. There continue to be many examples of inequality and hardship experienced across the world in garment factories. This video taken in Myanmar last week show just one snapshot of why it is crucial the industry transforms.

Visible supporters have made contributions equivalent to half of what our Indian team have been paid since the start of the lockdown period. Thank you. If you haven't given and would like to do so please click here; 100% of your gift goes to our team in Dharamsala, India.

Our team in India are experiencing a country-wide strict lockdown and the news stories emerging from across the country are extremely concerning. Our tailors are based in Dharamsala, in the Himalayan foothills, which hasn't yet had an outbreak of cases providing at least some reassurance for them.

We wish you all our best wishes at this extremely tough time. We hope you have supportive people around you to help practically as well as with whom to process this new paradigm.

February 2020


During the past 6 months we have been sampling for an NGO that requires 100,000-200,000 garments throughout 2020. We find out in the coming weeks if we have secured this huge order.

December 2019


We were recently asked to explain our four main challenges as a start-up. This was our answer:

Visible Clothing
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